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Silent Pianos

With a Silent Piano, You Can Play Without Being Disturbed or Disturbing Others

While the sounds of piano practice generally fill a home with joy, there are times when a quiet atmosphere is necessary. That’s where the technology of Yamaha’s silent piano can add harmony to a home.

By day the SILENT Piano™ is a world-renowned Yamaha acoustic piano. By night, the neighbors won’t hear a thing. SILENT Piano™ puts the sound and presence of the world’s finest 9ft concert grands in your headphones. Simply switch your Yamaha acoustic piano into SILENT mode and Yamaha’s digital technology reproduces the acoustic tones, nuanced colors, and resonance so faithfully you’ll almost forget you’re wearing headphones.

Purchase with confidence! Your silent piano purchase is backed by Classic Pianos' Five-Star Trade-Up Policy.

Is silent piano technology right for your needs? We're happy to help assess your needs and make a recommendation so you take home a piano you'll love. Call 503-239-9969 or contact us to speak with a Classic Pianos' piano expert today.